Quality goes hand-in-hand with Luxury
Today I want to talk about quality, a favourite topic of mine.
As a high ticket coach quality is obviously going to be something you’re keen to deliver.
And chances are very high that you yourself are a high achiever!
High achievers tend to take the quality they provide for granted and think it’s what everybody does. It’s normal for us to provide high quality work, as we have high expectations and high standards. For ourselves and also for others.
We love to achieve!
And we’re generally very good at what we do.
But what we need to realise is that it is not normal. Not everybody offers high quality.
People's standards vary. And this is fine!
You get what you pay for in life. We all know that.
And there are clients for every price point.
It’s why I think that the high ticket coaching model is so perfect for high achievers.
High ticket coaching effectively means working with high quality clients.
Clients who will be ready to change, ready to invest and eager to do the work.
They are ready to pay attention.
You know the saying “People who pay, pay attention”?
It’s so valid in the high ticket coaching world.
It does require you being ready to rise to the occasion, to give your best work, provide the best service you can. Sometimes it can be a stretch and require growth. There is nothing wrong with that!
Paradoxically high achievers tend to worry that they won’t be able to deliver.
It’s a deep-set fear they have.
It is a fear that’s not unknown to me too.
The best thing to do, if you notice doubts edging their way back in, trying to dislodge your beautiful soul from fulfilling its mission, is to become aware of the thought and realise that it is nothing but a thought.
And then become aware that you only have this thought, because you are a high achiever. So congratulate yourself on the spot!
Celebrate YOU! Even if you feel a bit silly, just do it!!!
Also, you can ask yourself: “Is it really likely that I won’t be able to deliver?”
And go get evidence for yourself that disproves this disempowering thought.
Remember all the client success stories you have gathered throughout your lifetime.
At the end of the day, these thoughts are nothing but stories.
We can either buy into them and stay stuck or we can recognise them for what they are and no longer let them keep a hold over us.
I used to think I could do this exercise once and that that was it, healed. LOL.
Sadly these things don’t disappear like magic.
It takes consistent “not buying into it”, consistent questioning whenever the brain wants to keep us where we are.
Awareness is so key in life.
So, please remember your beauty, your qualities, your specialness, your ethics and kindness.
You will stand out from the crowd and be recognised for who you are.
For you to be heard above all the noise out there, it is of the utmost importance for you to truly own your lane, embody your value and know how to sell your services.
Don’t forget!
Be your own luxury brand!
Your quality will prevail!
As always, do let me know how it goes!