Ms. Sophie

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Luxury boutiques can be intimidating

The private setting you get in a luxury boutique used to intimidate me.

I actually didn’t dare enter these empty spaces with uniformed men guarding the door, where shop assistants would seemingly be eyeing you up and outnumber you from the outset. 

I mean these boutiques were almost always empty!

In 2012, once I started working for an international luxury brand, this feeling inside me started to change.

While I was not on the shop floor - I was already working online back then too, supporting clients across Europe with their online purchases - it made luxury boutiques so much more accessible to me.

Looking back, the funny thing is that these luxury boutiques had always been accessible to me. 

Only my mind, my thoughts, my limiting beliefs, my fears had stopped me from going in.

Whatever stories there were… I cannot even remember them consciously. They stopped me from experiencing this luxury until I was 40 years old.

Imagine that. 

It’s not really funny...

Now, you could say to yourself, “who cares?”, “who needs luxury anyway?”, “why is this even important?”

The reason it’s important is that we are constantly cutting ourselves off from certain experiences without even realizing it.

And some of these experiences could be absolutely life-changing.

Transformative, enriching things that don’t only change your life but that of your loved ones too.

The thing is, we don’t live in a vacuum, so if YOU change, your immediate environment has to change too.

They have to adapt or if they don’t then they will leave your environment.

How much do we allow ourselves to change?

Now, just imagine yourself entering an empty luxury boutique and having 7 sets of eyes staring at you?

What thoughts come up for you?

If you live in a big city, go try it out!

The reason why I am suggesting you do this is because high ticket coaching is the coaching equivalent to luxury brands.

Not everybody is ready for it.

Your mind may not be primed for luxury yet.

And when you have inner blocks to higher numbers and it evokes uncertainty in your mind, it makes selling your own high ticket program such a tedious task.

If you’re nodding at any of this, just know that you’re not alone. The vast majority of coaches are not primed for selling their services at high prices.

The brilliant thing though is that there are ways to change this.

I went through this development myself back in 2017, and to be honest it’s an on-going muscle to keep active!

Sales really is an inside job!

Even though I had been used to selling 4-5 figure luxury items, it was very different talking to coaches, who were about to invest 5-figures into their own business or personal development.

So, what can you do?

The first step is to find out what thoughts are getting in your way. This is why a practical exercise is so helpful, either for real or in your mind, if you can.

The next step is to ask yourself whether your thoughts are true. Usually you’ll find that it’s not that black and white and you can find other ways to look at whatever it is.

For example you might think “Luxury isn’t for me, it’s for other people, and there is no way people would pay $5000 to work with me.

Now, is that really true?

Then, the third step is something that really freed my mind:

Realising and truly embodying that there is an infinite number of people out there, who want to pay high prices. They have (or can access) the money, and they want to invest it in something that will work for them!

It’s at this point that my 1:1 clients get their big breakthroughs. When they learn to equate their services with value and translate that into $$$.

This deep inner trust that their work will truly make a difference to their clients, not just now but for the rest of their lives.

So, if any of this resonates with you and you’re curious about seeing how I can help you transform your business growth, speed it up, get momentum going, show you how you can change your earning potential for life, let me know.

Don’t be like me ten years ago, feeling intimidated by the idea of so many eyes on me and believing that story that it would be uncomfortable!

I’m here to help you discover what you need next on your business journey and whether I can add a ton of value to your business or not.

Just let me know you’re out there, thinking you might like to contact me :)